Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Dr. György Németh


György Németh was born on 25 June 1956 in Kaposvár, Hungary. In 1980 he finished his studies in Hungarian Language and Literature and History at the Faculty of Arts, ELTE, Budapest, and, in 1982 in Ancient Greek. In 1982 he received his summa cum laude doctor's degree under the supervision of Professor István Hahn with his dissertation titled "Athéni belpolitika a peloponnésosi háború utolsó szakaszában" (Internal politics in Athens during the final period of the Peloponnesian War). In 1981 he began to work in the Department of Ancient History at ELTE.


In 1985 he spent six months in Athens with a scholarship at the German Archaeological Institute and in the Epigraphical Museum. In 1986 and 1999 he was invited to the Fondation Hardt in Vandoeuvres, Switzerland, and researched the Greek inscriptions of the Ermitage in St. Petersburg. In 1988/9 he studied under Professors G.A. Lehmann and W. Eck in a postgraduate course in Cologne. In 1993/4 he held a Humboldt scholarship at the University of Cologne and in 2003 and 2005 in Heidelberg.


He took part and presented papers in many international conferences (1979 FIEC, Budapest; 1982 EIRENE, Prague; 1985 Internationales Kolloquium archaische und klassische griechische Plastik, Athens; 1986 EIRENE, Berlin; 1987 Congrès International d' Epigraphie Grecque et Latine, Sofia; 1988 EIRENE, Budapest; 1989 FIEC, Pisa; 1991 Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence, Athens; 1992 Congrès International d' Epigraphie Grecque et Latine, Nîmes; 1997 Congrès International d' Epigraphie Grecque et Latine, Rome, 1999 FIEC, Kavala; 2002 Congrès International d' Epigraphie Grecque et Latine, Barcelona; Antike Historiographie und ihre Rezeption, Budapest; Convegno Internazionale di Studi democrazia e antidemocrazia nel mondo greco, Chieti; Mensa Rotunda Epigraphiae Dacicae Pannonicaeque, Sarmizegetusa, 2003; The Jewish Amulet of Halbturn, Austria. An International Symposium, Wien; Contextos Mágicos, Roma in 2009).


He gave lectures in Jena in 1983, in Heidelberg and Cologne in 1990, at the University of Cologne in 1993, at the University of Göttingen in 1994, at the University of Barcelona in 1998 and 2000, and at the University Babeş-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca in 2000, 2001 and 2002, at the University of Rostock in 2005. In Febr-March 2009, he was guest professor in Clermont-Ferrand (Université Blaise Pascal).


From 1 July 1987 he was assistant lecturer in the Department of Ancient History at ELTE University, Budapest, from 1993 assistant professor, but he was also a lecturer at KLTE University, Debrecen. In 1997–2008 he was head of the Department of Ancient History at KLTE. In 2007 he became head of the Department of Ancient History at ELTE, Budapest.


In 1992 he became candidate of History (PhD). He acquired the title dr. phil. habil. in 1997 with the dissertation "The world of poleis". On 15 December 2000 he became dr. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the dissertation "Micro- and macrosocial survival strategies in archaic Greece". From 1 July 2001 he is professor of the Universities ELTE, Budapest and DE Debrecen, from 1 September 2002 he is associate professor of the University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca (Romania). His fields of research include archaic and classical Greece, internal politics of Athens in the 5th c. B.C., Greek epigraphy and Greek magic. In 1991 he received the Révay Prize of the Hungarian Society of Classical Studies with his review on the Inscriptiones Graecae I3. He is member of the Hungarian Society of Classical Studies and the Association Internationale d`Epigraphie Grecque et Latine. From 1998 he is corresponding member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres (Barcelona). Since 1999 he is the president of the Epigraphical Work Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2000 he won the Károly Maróth Prize.


He is editor-in-chief and editorial board member of several Hungarian and international journals (Acta Classica Univ. Debrecen; Hungarian Polis Studies; Acta Antiqua 1999–2004; Ókor; etc.). He published about thirty independent books and more than a hundred studies in Hungarian, English, German, and French. Currently he supervises a project in ancient magic (Ancient magic, parallel researches: Curse tablets and magic gems, OTKA K81332), and member of the research group Espacios de penumbra: Cartografia de la actividad magico-religiosa en el Occidente del Imperio romano (Ref. FFI 2008–01511 / FISO).